Best Product Demo Software Tools For Sales & PLG to Use in 2023

Adi Patel
September 28, 2023
4 mins

Product demo software comes in many different shapes and sizes and it’s tough to know exactly which products you need to help you get the job done from start to finish.

Traditional product demo software tools are geared towards static sales walkthroughs, whereas interactive product demo solutions on the other hand are focused on giving potential customers the power to explore the product on their own time - the perfect fit for product-led growth teams that want to allow the product to do all of the talking for itself.

Mixing and matching tools will help you to build an all-around great product demo experience from the initial touch, to onboarding a new happy customer.

This is our favorite product demo software stack for 2023.

1. Lancey - Interactive product demos

Lancey logo

Lancey has worked towards creating an entirely new experience in how potential prospects experience their first touch with your product. 

Lancey's product is built around the capturing an interactive product copy of your product, meaning that prospects can fully interact and use the core features and benefits of your platform prior to having any other touch points with your sales team.

Website visitors are not required to sign-up, and they can immediately dive into your product directly from your website and start getting a feel for how it works in a matter of seconds.

Key features & use cases

Lancey is a great solution for sales and PLG teams that want to leverage a completely ungated (or gated) experience prior to involving any type of sales interaction. 

Lancey's solution also requires no developer or engineering resources, and can be embedded directly on to a webpage or even sent directly to inbound prospects to access. 

Lancey's focus on a guided-user experience allows you to completely customize and focus on building your initial customer interaction focused on the core pain or challenge of a specific buyer persona - all while keeping it simple, and requiring no heavy-lifting.

Lancey is designed all teams across the go-to-market function:

  • Sales (SDR/AE)
  • Pre-sales (SE/SC)
  • Marketing (Product Marketing, Demand Gen, Lead Gen)
  • Customer Success

The power in Lancey's solution is that now all website visitors have the chance to actually get a feel for your product, and to see the actual value rather than needing to go through a qualification process and getting on the phone for a live demo. 

These visitors and then users that interact with the demo itself can then filter out and pre-qualify themselves prior to a further sales conversion, or even directly into a sign-up as they've had the chance to experience the product and find out for themselves if it could be a fit to solve their core challenges.


Lancey has a generous free plan which provides unlimited demos and paid plans starting at $36 per month which provide powerful integrations and analytics capabilities.

Best Suited For

Sales and product-led growth teams that want to drive customer acquisition using the power of their product (without requiring engineering teams).

2. Loom - Async video messages

Loom is the simplest way for capturing and sending quick videos with prospects.

Key features & use cases

Loom is a screen recording tool that allows users to record audio, video, specific browser windows, or entire screens using a Chrome extension, desktop app, or mobile app. 

Once installed, users can easily capture their screen, audio, and camera in a single video and share via email, social media, or embed code. 

The videos are also saved to the user's personal library, allowing for editing, organization into folders and subfolders, and sharing to a team library. Editing features are limited to trimming, changing playback speed, adding a thumbnail, and including calls to action with attached resources.

Loom can be a cost-effective way to share personalized, short-form demos to interested leads prior to a traditional demo walkthrough using screen share.


Loom has a free plan which is capped to 25 videos total, but also has paid plans starting at $8 per month which allow for unlimited videos and unlimited recording length.

Best Suited For

Teams looking for a quick and cost-effective solution to showcasing their product.

3. Zoom - Live sales demos

Zoom Logo

The classic tried and true way of conducting sales demo calls through live video conferencing. You've heard of these guys right?

Key features & use cases

Zoom is a reliable video conferencing tool for sales teams to conduct product demos. Its primary functions include chatting by video and text and screen sharing, but it also offers screen recording capabilities. 


Zoom has a freemium model which allows meetings up to 40 minutes long, and with 100 attendees. 

The 40-minute limitation will be a deal breaker for most organizations, so the next-up pro plan will likely be the route that most users will end up opting for.

Best Suited For

Sales team who need to go through a live demo or product walkthrough with their prospects and customers.

4. Mutiny HQ - Website personalization

Mutiny - Triplebyte

Now this one is a bit different. It's not a tool designed specifically for product demos.

Mutiny focuses on conversion rate optimization using a no-code solution to allow product-lead teams to run quickly, test fast, and find what works best without the need for constant engineering intervention

Key features & use cases

Mutiny provides all the data necessary for informed marketing decision-making. Through pre-built data integrations, Mutiny analyzes website traffic to gather insights such as the origin, industry, and size of the company of visitors.

Mutiny then segments down the dataset, and once it understands your traffic it will make recommendations based on the segments that are ripe to be targeted with personalization. It also gives page-specific optimization tips for specific demographics and audiences.

The personalization layer itself is completely visual, so anyone with technical experience has the ability to make page changes.

Mutiny's recommendations include everything from image and content changes, to the CTAs and social proof build-outs which are all possible to add directly using Mutiny's editor.


Mutiny’s pricing is built for both smaller teams, as well as larger teams depending on the feature set you need.

Standard pricing starts at $1,500 and up to $2,200 per month annually, and the startup package costs between $300 to $650 per month.

Best Suited For

Using Mutiny can greatly benefit small to medium-sized teams, as well as larger-sized organizations. Mutiny allows users to make data-driven decisions that can naturally enhance retention rates, customer loyalty, and overall revenue, regardless of the industry or size of the company.

It's a great tool to pair with an interactive demo platform like Lancey so you can surface the right demo based on the persona that lands on your website to fuel your inbound conversion.

How to find and choose the right product demo software for your business needs

With so many solutions on the market, it can be hard to know exactly which is the right fit for your team and business’s needs.

Regardless of if you’re looking at a “traditional” video demo approach, or you’re considering providing your users a truly interactive experience, here are the five things to consider and keep in mind during your search and decision-making process:

1. Easy personalization for use cases and personas

An effective sales demo involves a combination of compelling storytelling and technical expertise. 

The right interactive demo software should allow you to tailor the presentation to the specific needs and pain points of each buyer persona. 

With the ability to customize and create realistic scenarios, an interactive demo platform can help you deliver a personalized and memorable experience for the prospect. 

It is important to choose demo software that is easy to customize and adapt to individual needs without the need for constant development and engineering resources that can bottleneck the entire process.

2. Shareability is crucial

Let’s be honest here - most recorded sales demos that are later shared to absent team members never actually get watched.

They’re generally boring, and with calendars jam-packed with meetings, prospects don’t have time to sit down and re-watch live recorded sales calls.

They want it fast, and to know if it solves their problems.

The same goes for teams running outbound campaigns via email and other marketing channels.

Embedding your actual product into an email, on your website, or simply by sharing a direct link over social channels using direct messages at the right time in a conversation is an extremely effective way to allow the product to drive your actual growth and do all of the talking.

Shareability is a crucial requirement for product demo software that actually gets viewed, used, and showcases your product’s actual potential.

3. Does it even integrate?

It goes without saying that Integrations are powerful, but does your solution provide everything you need to connect to your current workflow?

Your product demo software at the minimum should integrate directly with your CRM in order to allow lead data to flow properly, as well as into any external email marketing tools you’re leveraging to allow for seamless drips and proper touchpoints with users that have interacted with your product.

Think about which integrations are most important for your current workflow - but a great product demo software should have a deep bench of integration possibilities not to slow you down or break your current flows.

4. User analytics and key insights

Traditional demo software is static, and by nature of being a human-driven walkthrough - lacking the ability to collect key insights into how your prospects interact with your product.

Interactive sales demos allow you to gather valuable information about your audience's usage habits and engagement with your product. 

By automatically monitoring the features they use most frequently, sales and growth teams can craft the perfect follow-up based on intent and actions of users.

Having these analytics at hand will allow you to better understand your prospects, and add an additional layer on top of the verbal-only feedback you might gather from a traditional sales demo.

5. Can it effectively capture leads?

Traditional product demo software tools were focused on the pre-sales process after a prospect had already requested a demo.

But what about the ability to capture leads and remove the friction of the dreaded “book a demo” now button?

Demo software should not only be focused on capturing and providing value after someone has confirmed their interest but in the case of product-led growth - be the driver of actually turning website viewers into actual leads.

Great demo software should allow your team to sell and scale more effectively both before an initial conversation with your team ever happens, and also during and after.

This is why integration compatibility is also important, as leads captured should flow directly into your CRM seamlessly without multiple workarounds needed to do so.

Start building your interactive product demos with a fresh approach

You might be looking for a fresh approach and a more effective product demo software tool to help you get the job done better, and with more efficiency.

  • Failed attempts at acquiring developer resources in time to build a customized customer demo
  • Wasted sales resources demoing the same basic features over and over again
  • Trouble getting buy-in using shared sales demo recordings that never get re-watched

Lancey provides a completely customizable interactive product demo platform that can be easily embedded directly onto your website, or shared via email to distribute and let users use the product on their own time.

Ready to finally fix the broken Book a demo process?

Choose the best interactive demo platform

Launch your first demo in less than 10 mins using the most powerful solution to drive conversion.

Final thoughts on the top demo software tools

There are an abundance of product demo software tools on the market with different use cases. At a minimum we see customers use two types of tools within their stack:

  1. An interactive demo platform (like Lancey)
  2. Live sales demo tool (like Zoom)

With freemium offering available for both of these, it's quite simple to get started and incorporate into your GTM stack.

Adi Patel
September 28, 2023
4 mins

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