What Is Demo Automation & Why Do You Need It In 2023

Adi Patel
January 29, 2023
5 mins

Demo automation is a great way to assist companies to organize their sales process and increase the efficacy of their product presentations during the buying process.

With automated demos, organizations can easily exhibit the characteristics, features, and capabilities of their products without requiring manual efforts or sales person to jump on a call.

We will explain deep dive on all things demo automation in the article below.

What Is Demo Automation?

Demo automation is the process of creating an automated demo of a product.

In order to let prospective customers experience their product before buying it, companies usually create online demos to make it easy for the users to experience how their product works.

Showcasing a product or service to potential customers, partners, or other stakeholders is possible through automated sales demos to highlight particular features and benefits.

Automated demo environments can save time and energy when creating product presentations, as well as ensuring their accuracy and uniformity.

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Demo Automation

Here are the top reasons why your company needs to automate product demos with a product demo software like Lancey's interactive product demo software tool.

1. Increased Efficiency And Effectiveness

Demo automation is a valuable tool that helps businesses easily demonstrate the features and capabilities of their products, bypassing the need for manual demo setups which can be really time-consuming for the sales teams.

With the help of an interactive demo automation software companies can provide their potential customers engaging and interactive product demonstration experiences easily. Doing so helps increase the effectiveness of the demonstration and considerably increase the chances of converting potential customers into paying customers.

2. Consistent Experience

Early, hands-on experience by using automated application demos companies can ensure that their targeted audiences and different personas  get a consistent experience of trying out their product. The demo experience can also be easily changed to fit the needs of multiple audiences.

3. Scalability

With the help of automated product demos companies can expand their market reach and showcase their products and services to more potential customers. Once a demo is ready it can be sent to as many prospects as the company wants in the same amount of time.

4. Flexibility

Automated product demonstrations allow companies to easily switch between different demo setups for different audiences. Doing so makes it easy to personalize the product demos for different personas that the companies may be targeting.

5. Cost-effectiveness

Product demo automation simplifies the product demonstration process considerably enhancing the customer experience while bringing the cost down. It helps businesses with limited resources compete with the top players and save a lot of marketing resources and budget.

6. Increased User Engagement

Interactive product walkthroughs, screenshots and videos provide a more engaging experience for the potential customer. Automation enhances the age-old sales demo process and helps you easily create the right kind of user experience for your product demos.

7. Better Analytics

Demo automation is usually equipped with analytics at the backend which is usually not available to companies using the conventional demo process. Data analysis and task analysis provide actionable insights that help companies to track how the demos are performing and make adjustments accordingly to improve the effectiveness of their product demonstrations.

8. Time-saving

Demo automation helps pre-sales teams spend less time preparing for and giving demonstrations, and more time focusing on other important sales cycles tasks such as lead generation and closing deals.

9. Customization

Product marketers can customize their demos to fit their specific products, services, and target audiences. Doing so helps increase the effectiveness of their product demonstrations and helps with product-led growth.

10. Self-service

With the help of demo automation companies can let their potential customers explore their products at their own pace. Giving the potential buyers more control over the demonstration process helps with conversions down the line.

Who Is Demo Automation For?

Automated demos are mainly used by sales reps during the sales journey within organizations that offer products or services, especially those that need to show their features to potential customers.

Industries ranging from technology and software to manufacturing and consulting can utilize demo automation software if their products or services are able to be displayed digitally.

Companies with many potential customers to reach, limited resources for live or in-person demos, or those looking to create a more engaging and interactive experience can benefit from demo automation software.

Where In The Sales Process Do Automated Demos Fit?

Automated demos typically fit into the middle of the sales cycle, specifically during the qualification and evaluation stages.

During the qualification stage, automated demos can be used to provide potential customers with a high-level overview of a company's products or services and to determine whether they are a good fit for the customer's needs.

In the sales process, the evaluation stage is where users evaluate whether or not to buy a product. Automated product demonstrations make the evaluation of a company's product or service easier for the prospects which in turn help them make informed purchasing decisions.

After a prospect has purchased a product, an automated demo can also offer post-purchase services and training to the customer and act as a product reference guide for future use.


What types of companies should automate their product demos?

All companies that sell products or services that can be demonstrated in a digital format should consider automating their product demos for their sales reps.

How is an automated demo different from posting videos online?

An automated demo differs from a product demo video in several ways. Firstly, automated demos often include interactive elements such as the ability to click through different screens or choose between different demo scenarios, which allows potential customers to explore the product or service in a more hands-on way and makes the demonstration more engaging and effective.

Additionally, automated demos can be customized to fit a company's specific products, services, and target audience, whereas videos posted online may be more general in nature.

Another key difference is that automated demos often include analytics capabilities which allow companies to track how their demos are performing and make adjustments accordingly, something that is not typically available with videos posted online.

Can automated demos replace salespeople?

Depends on the area. There is already a shift happening with buyers expecting a more try it them selves type of experience where automated demos can excel at. Sales people have a strategic role in the whole deal but demos are a ripe area for automation.

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Adi Patel
January 29, 2023
5 mins

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